How did my babies grow so fast?
Gabriel will be 20 months old on Friday. Four months away from being 2 years old. He shocks me everyday with how much he understands. It's easy to forget how incredibly smart he is, considering he cannot constantly remind me by verbalizing. No, he's not really talking yet. And I'm not worried. He shows an increasing ability to comprehend and attempt to communicate with us - so I don't mind that he's not talking yet. [He says a few things, but not much.] My friend Mel was over the other day and asked Gabe to get her wipes for Ainsley's bum - and he ended up walking all the way to the first floor and tossing down diapers. He understood she needed something for Ainsleys bum. Every morning, as soon as he can get into the backyard, he finds all the dog poop for me. And if I don't get out there fast enough, he finds the pooper scooper and tries to pick it up himself. Considering he hasn't had much interaction with children his age, he is very good with sharing. He loves to give other people/kids his food/feed them and share his toys. He is so good with his little brother. He's constantly giving him hugs and kisses. Xavier is not getting to the age where he can somewhat interact with Gabriel, and there are times where they play together on the floor with a toy.
Xavier.. he's going to be 7 months old on Saturday. I'm going to have a two year old and a one year old in 5 months! He's been crawling for a few weeks. Army crawling, but it gets him where he wants to go. He sits up by himself, and he has started to refuse pureed food - so we've moved onto easy finger foods; such as bananas, blue berries, cut up grapes, crackers, etc. He's doing really well with them. He's had zuchini on a few occasions. I'd like to steam up some baby carrots and see how he does with those. He's got two teeth, and is working on cutting two more. It makes getting him to sleep at night difficult - he wakes up bawling, because he's in pain. :( But they should be cutting thru soon.
I am so glad that I parent the way I do. It has really helped me appreciate every moment with my children. So, I rocked Gabriel to sleep every nap time and every night until he was 10 months old - I can hardly get him to give me a hug now. I cherished those 10 months he let me rock him to sleep. I wear Xavier to sleep every nap time and every bed time now - and there will be a time where he learns how to put himself to sleep and I will have lost that special bonding time. I can't believe how many people get told not to hold their babies or rock their babies to sleep in fear of spoiling their children. They are only babies for a very short time. Cherish every moment - because one day those moments will no longer be there, and you'll look back and wish you would have enjoyed them more.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Getting too big.
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9:11 PM
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Oh yes to it all. Time does go by so fast....but because of the way I parent my daughter, I will NEVER ever EVER have regrets about how I didn't hold her I should have rocked her more...or how I should have loved on her more. Never.
Every time someone says something like, "well SOMEBODY is spoiled huh?" (in regards to my daughter), my response is ALWAYS, "there is no such thing as spoiling a baby." And I believe that whole heartedly.
And I just also want to thank you, because you have really helped point me in the right directions whenever I needed information. Whether it was me frantically trying to figure out whether to supplement Addison or not when we were having a few breastfeeding issues in the beginning, or me asking you about what cloth diapers you use or what wrap I should buy, you've been one of the key people I turn to for advice. You're an amazing mom, and I'm so glad that you moved because there is something about you that has totally changed, and I can tell how much happier you are now.
*huge hugs*
Take care sweetie! :)
And do you NEVER pump?! LOL! Haven't you left the boys with Mel before for drinks and stuff? Didn't X need to eat? I'm so confused! LOL!
Awwe, thank you. <3
I just don't pump. Never have. I don't even own a pump. Xavier can go 4-5 hours without boobies now, so yes - I've left him with George a few times to go shopping, or go out with Mel for drinks. When I went out for drinks he didn't nurse until 3 hours after I got home, so the alchohol was no longer in my milk. And now that he's eating solids, if he does get hungry while I'm gone, George can give him a snack to tide him over until I can get home with the boobs. ;)
*waves* guess who!
And that's cool you've never had to pump
*eyes cross* Ok, I'm here and I think I added you.
I found you!
I can't believe how big Xavier and Gabriel are getting. Cameron doesn't seem to be as keen on eating as Xavier ((he's still loving his pureed food)), but he's gotten big!
*Waves* Came over from OD!
Your last paragraph almost made me cry. :)
it's funny. sawyer was never really a cuddly baby but now, he loves hugs and lying beside me (but not kisses--he likes to tease and give us his forehead.) i love that feeling of him close to me. warm and squishy feeling.
i cannot believe xavier is SEVEN months old already. crazy.
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