Thanksgiving was wonderful. Tons of yummy food. And we had a great time with the people who joined us. My mom and sister left on Saturday afternoon, but it wasn't a sad goodbye. As I have a flight to Chicago in 13 days. :)
Xavier is getting so big. I can't believe how much hair he has.
Am I really going to have a two year old and a one year old in two months?!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
wonderful thanksgiving.
Posted by
8:12 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Meet Mr. Turkey.
He's got about two more hours until he'll be completely done.
Everything we're having for dinner today is made entirely from scratch.
I put together two apple pies last night. We spent an hour tearing up 5 loaves of bread and putting together the stuffing. I peeled 10 lbs of potatoes this morning for mashes taters. And put together a green bean casserole, where the only thing "pre-made" was the frozen green beans. Mmm. And I've currently got turkey gravy from the turkey drippings going on the stove.
My mom and I have been cooking and doing dishes and cleaning since last night - but that's what I love about Thanksgiving. Being with the ones who matter the most, and eating damn good food!
It's just going to be my family and good friends of ours - and we'll have a ton of leftovers, but it's ok. I'm relieved Georges family didn't come. It would have been much too stressfull.
My mom and sister got into town yesterday morning. We're having a blast.
We've got a ton of snow and Gabe had a ton of fun in it while George was shoveling the drivey way.
I should get some more stuff done while the boys are sleeping.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Posted by
1:47 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
The boys and I have been sick for the second time in 4 weeks. I guess that's what ya get when you're around many different children and spreading germs. First it was a stomach bug, which left us all vomiting and lethargic. Now it's high fevers, sore throats and runny noses. Gabe is doing better, but Xavier has broken out in hives (something I did often when fighting a virus when I was a child) and seems to be having issues with his eye now, too. We all went to the chiropractor today, so hopefully the adjustment will help us all out. I <3 our chiro.
My immigration lawyer sent an e-mail last night telling me I was granted my permanent residence, and I should be getting my PR card in the mail soon. About time! It's been almost 18 months since I applied.
I'm going back home for the Holidays. I'll probably fly down in the beginning of December and leave after Christmas. I havent been home for the holidays in a couple years - it'll be nice.
Posted by
12:55 PM