Tuesday, October 23, 2007

pumpkin patch.

Sunday was absolutely gorgeous. It went up to 23 celcius - and it's the end of October!

We pulled out a big Lilac bush from the front of our yard. It was sitting right in front of the entrance to our home, and it was overgrown and just ugly. George cut it down, and then a friend of ours backed up his truck to pull out the stump. When Gabe woke up from his nap that afternoon, and saw that the big bush was gone, he just stood in front of the door saying, "Wow! Oooh, wow!" I can't believe he noticed there was a difference. LOL

Later on we took a trip to Chappell Farms. My AP Mom's group went last Monday, but it was rainy and not a lot of fun. Sunday was a blast, however. We went with two other families who have two children each, very similar in age to ours. One baby was a mere 7 weeks old, and made my ovaries ache! It's crazy how fast you forget how little your babies once were.

Gabe had a blast feeding the animals, going thru a corn maze, playing on a big hill, going on a wagon ride and picking pumpkins. At one point, I was wearing Xavier, carrying my purse & camera, and holding 3 pumpkins while walking thru a field. Yep, I'm superwoman.

Afterwards, we went to dinner with both the families. It's so nice to go out with other people who have children your age - because it's okay if your kid gets gravy all over his face and then randomly decides to throw a napkin at the person sitting across from you. Well, you obviously tell your child not to throw things - but you don't have to apologise profusely because their kid, sitting right next to them, is probably doing something equally as annoying. And it's always nice when you can steal someone else's 7 week old, and use the excuse of, "Oh, I'll take your baby so you can eat" - when secretly you just want to steal the baby because you have crazy baby fever.

(It's pathetic how grainy photobucket makes my pictures.)