We had a great turn out this morning! 23 nursing moms and 25 nurslings! (Two women tandem nursed.) Two newspapers were there and one TV station did an interview.
The three of us who organized the group made shirts for ourselves and our children. (We each have two children.) Here are our toddlers enjoying a snack. :)
The "Three Breasketeers" - Hollie, Gerri and myself. :)
Edit: To add Newspaper Article: http://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=715724&auth=Kelly+Pottage
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Barries Breastfeeding Challenge 2007
Posted by
4:33 PM
Friday, September 28, 2007
a slew of different topics.
Both boys are sleeping. -insert shocked smilie here-
So while I have a free moment..
We're all getting over our colds, finally. Gabe had a really rough time with it, and there were a few days he was realling worrying me because he wasnt eating - at all. He was hardly drinking, and as a result he was constipated so that made things worse. I ended up going out and buying gatorade, juice boxes and chocolate milk in hopes that he would drink something. We usually have none of those things in our house.
George is enjoying his new job in Toronto. He was hired on as a contractor, and he told me this morning that he's already been offered a promotion into a higher, full time position as a "project manager". He doesn't know the details of the job yet (pay, benefits, etc.), but it could be a good thing. :)
I started seeing a Chiropractor earlier this week. I've had lots of lower back pain since getting pregnant the first time, and it's never gone away. It's gotten to the point where there are some days that I can't move off the couch. A woman who joined the group I started is a Chiropractor, and I got a free consultation coupon when I attended the mothers morning out program she hosts. She did several tests, including a pelvic xray - and I have scoliosis. =\ She's not sure if she can correct all of it with chiropractic care, and of course she doesn't know if I've always had it or if it was pregnancy induced - but no wonder I've been having issues. One hip is also higher than the other. And I had some neck issues as well. I had my first adjustment this morning and my neck already has much more range of motion - well, it has the same range of motion but it's not as stiff. As if she oiled up my neck and I can move it easier. LOL I honestly didn't even notice my neck was stiff. I'm going to be seeing her 2 times a week for a couple weeks, and then once a week until my next evaluation in November.
As soon as George starts getting his paychecks from this new job I'm going to set him up an appointment too. With the type of work he does he definetly needs the preventative care that Chiro can offer.
Last night the two women I'm organizing the Breastfeeding Challenge with came over so we could iron on BFing logos to shirts. We did 4 adult shirts (one for each of us, and one to raffle), 3 infant shirts (for our three babies) and 4 toddler shirts (for our 3 toddlers and 1 to raffle). They turned out pretty nice. H also got her uncle, who owns a sign making shop, to donate a large banner that says, "Barrie's Breastfeeding Challenge 2007". And we've gotten a few local stores to donate gifts to raffle off. Exciting!
I'm supposed to be getting a phone call at 4pm from a writer with the local newspaper to do an interview. We're expecting a couple different news crews tomorrow, too. There was already a snippet in the newspaper yesterday, although they editted out a lot of things that kinda hit a nerve with me. I assume they were trying not to be "controversial" - and ended up calling it a "FEEDING challenge" - "Barries Mom join in a Feeding Challenge" -- Uhm, it's a BREASTfeeding challenge. And rather than saying we will "latch on" at 11 - he said "launch at" 11. Silly little things, but they did it for a reason. =\
Posted by
1:39 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
We're all still sick. The group I started had it's first meeting this morning, so we ended up getting out of the house for the first time in a week. It was nice. But not that nice at the same time. Gabe was really crabby and not acting like himself because he was feeling crappy. And I wasn't all there because I was feeling crappy. Luckily George had to come with, so I had help with Gabe. Our van is full of Georges tool box, since he starts his new job today. So he had to drive the boys and I in our car - which I can't drive because it's a stick. Why he insisted on getting a stick, I don't know. I personally think they suck. =X
The group was nice. There were 5 other women, and 4 had homebirths. It's really nice to know women in real life who have had a homebirth. All of them had their babies with a group of midwives here - which I'm on the fence about using when I get pregnant again. From what I've heard from several different people, they're not a group of women that I would want to be involved with.
The boys are sleeping and George just left for his first day at the new job. I should be doing laundry and picking up a bit - but I feel like crapola - so I'm sitting.
Posted by
1:15 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Ooooh. We`re all miserable here. The night before last was horrible with Xavier. And then last night was just as bad. He was doing a bit better, but I came down with the cold badly and was really uncomfortable. Xavier is doing a bit better today. Now Im miserable and I can tell the cold is turning into a sinus infection - as most of my colds do. And I have no way to pick up any type of pain reliever or symptom reducer, as George took the van so he could bring back his tool box for the new job. And I cant drive a stick shift, and that is what our Nissan is. Gabe is starting to come down with it today, too. So weve done nothing but sit around the house in pajamas all day. Ive got a good 5 loads of laundry to fold and my house is a mess. :( And anytime I inhale too deeply I get this horrible radiating pain thru my sinuses.
Posted by
3:01 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My little man is sick. His first cold, ever. He's being a bit dramatic about it, too. Granted, he can't breathe thru his nose the majority of the time - but Gabe never really acts sick when he is, so I guess I got spoiled. We have vapor plug ins we're using in the bedroom to help keep his nose clear.
Today has been a very lazy day. Between being tired from travelling and having a sick kid - I haven't been able to accomplish much aside from making breakfast, grocery shopping, making dinner and cleaning up the kitchen. =\ Ah well.
George is leaving for Toronto with the van tomorrow. Because he has to bring his tool box back. Because he starts work in Toronto on MONDAY! =D=D=D=D
Posted by
7:55 PM
- Left for Montreal around 7pm Sunday night.
- Got in about 1am.
- Ran some errands on Monday involving immigration paperwork, Georges business taxes, and pictures for my medical exam.
- Spent lots of time playing with the boys.
- Gabe fell off the hotel bed, hit head head on the night stand and bled all over pillows.
- Woke up, packed up, checked out and got to my Dr's appt. all before 9:30am.
- Spent 3 1/2 hours at the Dr.'s Office getting urine tested, blood tested, x-rayed and examined.
- Left Montreal while boys were napping in the afternoon.
- Ended up having to stop a bazillion times, and it took us 10 hours to complete a 6 hour drive.
Posted by
9:11 AM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I don't know when I'm going to learn my lesson.
I'm so tired of bending over backwards for people and getting let down over and over again.
Posted by
10:39 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
George = teh suck up.
So, George was in Montreal for a week. He got back into town Tuesday evening. Bearing gifts.
I try to tell him all I want is a card that expressed his undying love for me. I never wanted a gift for my birthday. Or a gift for having to put up with him working on Montreal for up to a week at a time. What I want is worth much more than a gift.
Anyhow - he got me a Wii. A GPS for my van. And diamond earrings.
The Wii is a blast. The GPS rawks. And the diamond earrings totally make my ears look hawt. ;)
I've been so busy lately. It's really nice. Most mornings I meet up with a few moms at a park, to wear the kiddos out. Gabe naps, and I clean/relax. And then in the afternoon we go to the park, or to a friends house, and wear kids out again. Back in time for dinner, and then bath and bed. I don't have much time for the internet anymore.
I went to a "Mothers Morning Out" group yesterday morning at a Chiropractic Clinic. The Dr. who is in partnership in the Clinic is a member of the Meetup group I started (for attachment parenting here), and she does really neat meetings once a month on topics that are geared towards natural minded individuals. Yesterday was everything from baby signing, to exercising with your baby, natural childbirth and breastfeeding. Next month it's geared entirely towards nutrition.
The Dr. is very sweet, and borrowed a vaccination DVD from me. And asked me to write a cloth diapering article for a new group she's forming here in town, that's geared towards education of healthy and naturally living.
I also made a consultation appointment for an adjustment. -nods- I need it.
In between I've been helping to organize an event for later this month. I need to copy fliers tomorrow morning to distribute before the weekend. Tomorrow night Mel, Jenna and April are coming over to hang out, have a few drinks and play the Wii. Saturday I was supposed to attend Georges best friend's wedding - but the ceremony is at 12:30 (right in the middle of Gabes naptime) and the reception is at 8:00 (an hour after Gabes bed time) - and it's an hour away from here, in Toronto. So, it's just not going to work out.
Sunday, Mel gets married. =oD
And then Sunday night we're driving to Montreal, as I have a physical scheduled for immigration on Tuesday morning. Still undecided as to whether or not I'm going to let my MIL watch Gabe for those two days. I'm leaning towards no.
Posted by
7:56 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Men = teh suck.
Apparently George has a problem with properly processing things I say to him.
Last week I went into Once Upon A Child to check it out. I was excited that they had one here in Canada. I ended up getting both the boys a winter coat, Xavier some cute winter Robeez booties, and 5 pairs of training pants for Gabriel - all for $43.00. I called George when I was on my way home from the store, because he was watching the boys and I wanted to make sure Xavier was going okay, and to tell him about my finds.
Me: "I got 5 pair of training pants, and they were only $1 each - so $5 for those. And then I got the boys coats and a pair of booties for Xavier, to the tune of about 40 bucks. Not bad, eh?"
George: "Nope, not bad at all..."
Fast forward a few hours, we're in the basement and he found the receipt for everything.
George: "FOURTY FIVE DOLLARS?!" -stares the the receipt-
Me: .... Yea? I told you that's what I spent...
George: NO YOU DIDNT! You told me you spent five dollars!!
Me: -stare-
Two weeks ago I planned on attending a "Mothers Morning Out" seminar this coming Wednesday. It's a seminar that a local chiropractic clinic hosts, with different speakers. This time there's topics such as Natural Childbirth (by a doula friend of mine here), Babe Massage, Baby Sign Language, etc. I called and reserved a spot for myself, Xavier, Melissa, Ainsley and Noah. I didn't reserve a spot for George because I thought he was going to be home.
We have a wedding to go to this weekend, so George isn't going to be going to work for a week. So, at the last minute, he's decided he's going to work Monday and Tuesday to get some extra hours because he's taking next weekend off.
So, that means he won't be home until Wednesday afternoon.
Us on the phone this morning:
Me: So, you're not going to be home on Wednesday?
George: Probably not..
Me: See, I plan things around your schedule - and two weeks ago I planned to attend a seminar at a chiropractic clinic...
George: What are you doing at a chiro-
Me: It's a Mothers Morning Out seminar, with different speakers, and I didn't reserve a spot for Gabe..
George: Sorry?
Me: You did this to me last week, too, when I wanted to attend the LLL meeting on Tuesday night and you weren't home in time!
Fast forward a few hours..
We were talking on the phone and he says, "Your meeting it between 10 and 12 on Tuesday, right?"
... No. It's Wednesday.
And he freaks out telling me I told him it was TUESDAY.
I'm so tired of him half listening to anything I tell him, and then getting mad at ME when he is wrong. Seriously, just fucking listen!
Posted by
4:49 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Posted by
4:08 PM
Wrap snob.
I started "babywearing" with Gabriel when he was about 4 months old. But we didn't do it around the house. We only had one stretchy wrap, and we only used it when we went out in public to go shopping, sight seeing, whatever. It wasn't that comfortable, because any child over 15 lbs isn't going to be worn comfortably in a stretchy wrap. I knew about other wraps out there, that were more supportive, but told myself I'd never spend up to $100 on a wrap.
Cue Xavier's arrival. He has been 100% different from the get-go. He had a strong desire to be skin to skin at all times, and no matter what I did had a fussy period every evening for about 3-4 hours. When I remembered the carrier I had, is when his fussy period began becoming more tolerable.
It only took me 2 weeks to realise that the wrap I had wasn't going to cut it, and that I needed something more supportive for my needy little baby. I bought my first german woven wrap, and it all went downhill from there.
I went from one woven wrap...
To 6 in a matter of 6 weeks. So much for never spending so much money on a wrap, eh?
I was even able to get George in on the action.
And Gabe enjoyed the occasional back ride, as well...
Here we are, 7 months later, and we still wrap atleast 3-4 hours a day. Xavier is in a wrap before every naptime and bedtime. That's how he falls to sleep, nestled into my chest. We also wrap anytime we go shopping, to the park, etc. - but we're starting to do that less, now that Xavier prefers to sit in the cart at the grocery store, or crawl around in the grass at the park.
And here I am, 7 months later, with 9 woven wraps.
I certainly don't need 9 wraps. But wrapping has become such an intimate and important aspect of our lives, that I've ended up acquiring that many - and it's perfect.
Posted by
10:45 AM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Breastfeeding Challenge
Since moving here, I've gotten acquainted with a wonderful group of women. A little bit after moving in, I took a trip to the park with the boys and met someone there - who invited me to a playgroup. The day before the playgroup, I received an email from someone I met online, inviting me to the very same play group! What a small world.
Anywho - I attended said playgroup, and the moms in it are absolutely wonderful. One of them only living a short two blocks from me.
One of the mothers, G, has decided to organize the Quintessence Foundation's Breastfeeding Challenge for our city. Of course, being the type A personality that I am, I've offered to help. And, of course, participate. I put together a flyer with G's help this evening...
Posted by
9:27 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Anyone know how to tie a noose?
Birthdays just aren't such a big deal when you're older. George asked me a couple weeks ago what I wanted. Originally, I told him a pair of diamond earrings. But then I told him just a card with something thoughtful written in it. Really, that is all I wanted. Going to the pharmacy, or Walmart, and picking out a card and writing something thoughful in it has some sort of innocence and feels so genuine to me.
Did I get a card?
Yep. I was upset. I don't know if he's ever going to realise how important a birthday, or an anniversary, or mothers day is to me. He doesn't even like celebrating Christmas. Forget Valentines, Holloween and Thanksgiving. When you're married to someone who is such a downer on holidays, it really rubs off on you. Well, atleast me. It makes me feel stupid and childish for putting so much thought and excitement into them. Although, realistically, I know it's not stupid.
I ended up grocery shopping, buying liquor for the first time (and no, not because I turned 20. Legal age is 19, here - George was just being lazy.), and driving myself to Baskin Robbins to pick up my own birthday cake.
I got phonecalls, emails, IMs, messages, etc. from several wonderful friends. Including a phone call from an ex-boyfriend of mine - who is in Afghanistan! For him to think about calling me on my birthday while he's deployed means a lot to me. And my closest friend, whom I drifted apart from over the last couple of years, called me. She's at AIT training for the military.
It was really nice to speak with her again and not feel awkward. Things went downhill between her and I when I moved away with George. I tried to keep things going, but she wasn't reciprocating. I even drove 12 hours back home for her birthday one year - and got the cold shoulder. But things are slowly becoming more normal between us. She has been trying for about a year to talk to me more - but I'm the one who is now avoiding. I was really hurt with prior events, and I'm not one to let someone hurt me more than once. But I also can't throw away 11 years of a friendship. Especially considering she's entering the Military - who knows what could happen in the future.
Boy do I ramble.
We had plans to go to the Beach this afternoon. You know, spend a few hours there. Georges family wanted to come over for a BBQ, so I figured we'd make it a family outting.
They get here, and Gabes sleeping. So, we give them the choice of eating first and then going to the beach - or going to the beach and then eating. They chose the latter, so we hung out until Gabe woke up and then we left. The beach is 40 minutes from us. And parking cost us, combined, $32.00. No sooner than 10 minutes after we get there, they want to LEAVE!
"We hungry. We so hungry we going to die." - says my MIL in her broken english.
I offer to pick up sandwiches or order a pizza to tide everyone over until later in the afternoon. I was hungry, too! But they refuse. Oh, and it was "too much cold". o.0
So we spent a whopping 30 minutes at the beach, and drove 80 minutes there and back. What a wonderful afternoon!
Not to mention all the normal annoying stuff they do while they are here. You see - my MIL and FIL can never come here alone. Just themselves. They always bring a couple who works at my FILs bakery. And this couple.. the husband is alright. He really is a nice guy. He likes to joke about taking my children with him. But his wife? Oh my goodness - she is possibly the most annoying person I have ever met. Honestly.
So, her and my MIL combined - I usually want to hang myself in the bathroom half way thru our visit.
However, even if I tried to act on the urge today - I wouldn't have been able to. She was CLEANING my bathroom for me. Seriously. Nice gesture, yada yada. But really, it makes me feel like she thinks I'm a slob - so she has to clean my bathroom for me while she's visiting.
It was not bad. Seriously. The bathroom was cleaned 3 days ago, you know - toilet scrubbing and sink scrubbing. But somehow she found a reason to lock herself in the bathroom and clean it.
Not to mention all the stupid old wives tales they tell the entire time they're here. And "is he still getting milk? -points to breast-" ... "Yep!" I say, in a chipper tone. "Oh, my baby only have it 9 month. Bad after that, says Doctor.", says MIL ... Me: -blank stare- "My baby never had my milk. They very healthy." - says most annoying person in the world. Me: -blanker stare-
Posted by
8:47 PM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Dog Poo.
For dinner this evening, we had baked chicken with wax beans, green beans and baby carrots. I carefully cut up Gabriels chicken in bite sized portions, and gave him more baby carrots than beans - as he's not a big fan of beans at all. I set his little toddler plate on the dining room table and told him it was dinner time. He climbed into his chair, grabbed his fork and started eating enthusiastically.
I scoop up Xavier, and stick him in the highchair. I cut green beans, wax beans and baby carrots into mini bite sized portions, and he goes to town. I then sit down to eat my dinner, when I see Gabriel pointing in the direction of Xavier. When I don't react, he pushes himself away from the dining room table and hops onto the floor. He runs over the Xaviers high chair and starts fishing around with his fat little fingers looking for his food.
Why is it that, he could have the same exact thing, but he wants what Xavier has? This is going to drive me nuts as they get older.
After he got over the "I want what baby brother has" thing - he ran outside to play with the dogs. I love the way our new house is set up. I can see the entire yard from the kitchen, and it's completely fenced - so he is free to go in and out as he pleases.
Gabe has this, thing, this obsession, with picking up dog poop. I know, gross. But he really does. It's not really that gross considering he doesn't pick it up with his hands. Anyways, every morning he runs outside and finds all the poop for me. First, he points at it and starts yelling at it/for me. If I don't come right away, he goes to the side of the house and grabs the pooper scooper for me and then brings it to me. I got outside, he shows me where all the poop is, we dispose of it and all is said and done.
Apparently someone pooped this afternoon, and it was unacceptable to Gabe to leave it in the yard. He was yelling at it, and I could hear him - I was eating my dinner! I'm not going to willingly get up in the middle of a bite of chicken to go pick up dog poop. Three minutes later, in comes Gabriel shoving a pooper scooper in my face.
Can a 20 month old really be obsessive compulsive?
It's my birthday tomorrow. The big 2-0. Whoop de doo. George found out he didn't have to work tomorrow, so he's coming home tonight. I don't think we're doing anything special. But we might spend the day at the beach on Monday, if the weather cooperates.
Posted by
5:31 PM