Birthdays just aren't such a big deal when you're older. George asked me a couple weeks ago what I wanted. Originally, I told him a pair of diamond earrings. But then I told him just a card with something thoughtful written in it. Really, that is all I wanted. Going to the pharmacy, or Walmart, and picking out a card and writing something thoughful in it has some sort of innocence and feels so genuine to me.
Did I get a card?
Yep. I was upset. I don't know if he's ever going to realise how important a birthday, or an anniversary, or mothers day is to me. He doesn't even like celebrating Christmas. Forget Valentines, Holloween and Thanksgiving. When you're married to someone who is such a downer on holidays, it really rubs off on you. Well, atleast me. It makes me feel stupid and childish for putting so much thought and excitement into them. Although, realistically, I know it's not stupid.
I ended up grocery shopping, buying liquor for the first time (and no, not because I turned 20. Legal age is 19, here - George was just being lazy.), and driving myself to Baskin Robbins to pick up my own birthday cake.
I got phonecalls, emails, IMs, messages, etc. from several wonderful friends. Including a phone call from an ex-boyfriend of mine - who is in Afghanistan! For him to think about calling me on my birthday while he's deployed means a lot to me. And my closest friend, whom I drifted apart from over the last couple of years, called me. She's at AIT training for the military.
It was really nice to speak with her again and not feel awkward. Things went downhill between her and I when I moved away with George. I tried to keep things going, but she wasn't reciprocating. I even drove 12 hours back home for her birthday one year - and got the cold shoulder. But things are slowly becoming more normal between us. She has been trying for about a year to talk to me more - but I'm the one who is now avoiding. I was really hurt with prior events, and I'm not one to let someone hurt me more than once. But I also can't throw away 11 years of a friendship. Especially considering she's entering the Military - who knows what could happen in the future.
Boy do I ramble.
We had plans to go to the Beach this afternoon. You know, spend a few hours there. Georges family wanted to come over for a BBQ, so I figured we'd make it a family outting.
They get here, and Gabes sleeping. So, we give them the choice of eating first and then going to the beach - or going to the beach and then eating. They chose the latter, so we hung out until Gabe woke up and then we left. The beach is 40 minutes from us. And parking cost us, combined, $32.00. No sooner than 10 minutes after we get there, they want to LEAVE!
"We hungry. We so hungry we going to die." - says my MIL in her broken english.
I offer to pick up sandwiches or order a pizza to tide everyone over until later in the afternoon. I was hungry, too! But they refuse. Oh, and it was "too much cold". o.0
So we spent a whopping 30 minutes at the beach, and drove 80 minutes there and back. What a wonderful afternoon!
Not to mention all the normal annoying stuff they do while they are here. You see - my MIL and FIL can never come here alone. Just themselves. They always bring a couple who works at my FILs bakery. And this couple.. the husband is alright. He really is a nice guy. He likes to joke about taking my children with him. But his wife? Oh my goodness - she is possibly the most annoying person I have ever met. Honestly.
So, her and my MIL combined - I usually want to hang myself in the bathroom half way thru our visit.
However, even if I tried to act on the urge today - I wouldn't have been able to. She was CLEANING my bathroom for me. Seriously. Nice gesture, yada yada. But really, it makes me feel like she thinks I'm a slob - so she has to clean my bathroom for me while she's visiting.
It was not bad. Seriously. The bathroom was cleaned 3 days ago, you know - toilet scrubbing and sink scrubbing. But somehow she found a reason to lock herself in the bathroom and clean it.
Not to mention all the stupid old wives tales they tell the entire time they're here. And "is he still getting milk? -points to breast-" ... "Yep!" I say, in a chipper tone. "Oh, my baby only have it 9 month. Bad after that, says Doctor.", says MIL ... Me: -blank stare- "My baby never had my milk. They very healthy." - says most annoying person in the world. Me: -blanker stare-
Monday, September 3, 2007
Anyone know how to tie a noose?
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8:47 PM
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Oh! How annoying, I am sorry your birthday didn't turn out like you wanted it & that George didn't go the inch for you. MEN, MEN, MEN! *Hugs* I think I know what ex boyfriend you are talking about! I can't believe how long we have been talking!!
I don't know how you put up with your MIL, I'd have to go for a walk while she was there or something.
Happy Birthday honey! I'm sorry it didn't go so well! *hugs*
I can't stand people who make stupid comments about breastfeeding. GAH!!!!!
About George and holidays...Luke is the same way. I'm one of those people...I make a huge deal out of birthdays and holidays...because it's fun! And that's how I was raised. You should NOT feel stupid about wanting it to be a big deal. It IS a big deal.
Happy Birthday Sweetie.
Justin's the same way about holidays... I've been asking him for years to get me a card for SOME holiday... I get nothing. Pisses me off.
As for the in-laws... lol I can relate. One of these days, I should rant about my SIL in an entry... I'm sorry your birthday sucked so bad :(
Happy Belated Birthday, Taylor. Trenton's first was yesterday so I was thinking about you!
- Christy aka Love*Sunshine
I love reading about your ILs, it reminds me that mine aren't so bad! Hahaha! ;)
Wow I'm surprise your MIL isn't pro-breastfeeding. My father is the only one who is actually pro-breastfeeding out of my entire family. He always tells me that his mother breastfed him until he was 2+ years old.
Why, how pleasant for you O.O
I don't know how you can resist kicking them in the shins!
wow, its crazy what people will believe. sad too, that people aren't more educated when it comes to topics of such importance.
you survived though, so props to you! sorry your bday wasn't better, that sucks that george is such a downer when it comes to holidays, i LOVE all holidays, they make me feel like a kid again =)
Happy Birthday!!
Too bad the in-laws had to spoil it! :P
Rawr indeed. I'm sorry it wasn't the best birthday ever *hugs*
Birthdays are so hard. Especially for husbands to figure out, so I think they just balk and don't do anything.
Happy BIRTHDAY! You're no longer a teenager (not like you've been one in reality any time recently!)!
Hi! I'm new to blogspot and found you off of another blog I randomly found. Happy Birthday! Sorry you didn't have a wonderful day! Feel free to check out my blog sometime if you want - I'm just getting started, but hopefully there will be more up soon! Have a great day!
Happy late birthday.
Man, I'd be pissed if my MIL tried to clean my house! Grrr!
Happy Birthday! I'm sorry it sucked.
I don't even bother anymore. I'm the only one who celebrates, so why put in any effort. :/
bad after 9 months?!
wow. that's expensive parking. and what a waste. in-laws, eh?
it's so funny that they STILL always take that other couple along to visit you. don't they realize that you might not want some couple you're not related to to come over?!
"So we spent a whopping 30 minutes at the beach..."
Wow... poor you. You complain A LOT! I bet you're hypersensitive to criticism, too.
What I can gather from reading this, your life is actually WAY better than mine, and that you have no right to complain. There are a lot of people out there who have it worse than you do. Frankly, how dare you complain of such things with so much REAL suffering in the world. If I were you, I would learn to stop complaining, and learn to "count your blessings". Seriously.
I really think that you have too much time on your hands, and this blog is proof. Helping those less fortunate than yourself would help you out a lot. I really hope that you get this comment and take it to heart. I hope that what I have said makes you think long and hard, and causes you to do some serious soul-searching.
I don't know about you Josh, but I would rather be blind and happy. But I don't think Taylor is blind. I think you Josh, take life way too seriously and don't understand the concept of a bad day.
I feel where your coming from, and your last paragraph really would open someone's eyes. But don't go around attacking people and say your life is way worse than someone's. I really think that is just being hypocritical. Can someone vent there feelings and not be attacked by people like you.
This will probably never be read but all I wanted to say is that things said can be said in much less harsh ways and still be heard.
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