Friday, September 21, 2007


Ooooh. We`re all miserable here. The night before last was horrible with Xavier. And then last night was just as bad. He was doing a bit better, but I came down with the cold badly and was really uncomfortable. Xavier is doing a bit better today. Now Im miserable and I can tell the cold is turning into a sinus infection - as most of my colds do. And I have no way to pick up any type of pain reliever or symptom reducer, as George took the van so he could bring back his tool box for the new job. And I cant drive a stick shift, and that is what our Nissan is. Gabe is starting to come down with it today, too. So weve done nothing but sit around the house in pajamas all day. Ive got a good 5 loads of laundry to fold and my house is a mess. :( And anytime I inhale too deeply I get this horrible radiating pain thru my sinuses.


Unknown said...

i'd suggest just getting out there and trying to learn to drive the car, except when you don't feel well, learning a new skill is never fun- or easy.

feel better!

Mel said...

hey, if you need me to pick anything up at the pharmacy for you, let me know..I can come once Joe is off work
I feel your pain, I suspect I have a sinus and ear infection thanks to this damn col

Anonymous said...

Call Shoppers Drug Mart. They will deliver for free. Just tell them what you need and they will bring it.

sublimejen said...

Hope you start feeling better soon! We all starting to get sick here too... it sucks.
I'm going to add you to my stalker list if you don't mind!

Anonymous said...

feel better, taylor. :)

Wenchy said...


Sweet Anticipation said...

I'm sick too. Thankfully Addi isn' hopefully she doesn't catch it. Being sick sucks. Sucks even more when you're a mom! *hugs*