Both boys are sleeping. -insert shocked smilie here-
So while I have a free moment..
We're all getting over our colds, finally. Gabe had a really rough time with it, and there were a few days he was realling worrying me because he wasnt eating - at all. He was hardly drinking, and as a result he was constipated so that made things worse. I ended up going out and buying gatorade, juice boxes and chocolate milk in hopes that he would drink something. We usually have none of those things in our house.
George is enjoying his new job in Toronto. He was hired on as a contractor, and he told me this morning that he's already been offered a promotion into a higher, full time position as a "project manager". He doesn't know the details of the job yet (pay, benefits, etc.), but it could be a good thing. :)
I started seeing a Chiropractor earlier this week. I've had lots of lower back pain since getting pregnant the first time, and it's never gone away. It's gotten to the point where there are some days that I can't move off the couch. A woman who joined the group I started is a Chiropractor, and I got a free consultation coupon when I attended the mothers morning out program she hosts. She did several tests, including a pelvic xray - and I have scoliosis. =\ She's not sure if she can correct all of it with chiropractic care, and of course she doesn't know if I've always had it or if it was pregnancy induced - but no wonder I've been having issues. One hip is also higher than the other. And I had some neck issues as well. I had my first adjustment this morning and my neck already has much more range of motion - well, it has the same range of motion but it's not as stiff. As if she oiled up my neck and I can move it easier. LOL I honestly didn't even notice my neck was stiff. I'm going to be seeing her 2 times a week for a couple weeks, and then once a week until my next evaluation in November.
As soon as George starts getting his paychecks from this new job I'm going to set him up an appointment too. With the type of work he does he definetly needs the preventative care that Chiro can offer.
Last night the two women I'm organizing the Breastfeeding Challenge with came over so we could iron on BFing logos to shirts. We did 4 adult shirts (one for each of us, and one to raffle), 3 infant shirts (for our three babies) and 4 toddler shirts (for our 3 toddlers and 1 to raffle). They turned out pretty nice. H also got her uncle, who owns a sign making shop, to donate a large banner that says, "Barrie's Breastfeeding Challenge 2007". And we've gotten a few local stores to donate gifts to raffle off. Exciting!
I'm supposed to be getting a phone call at 4pm from a writer with the local newspaper to do an interview. We're expecting a couple different news crews tomorrow, too. There was already a snippet in the newspaper yesterday, although they editted out a lot of things that kinda hit a nerve with me. I assume they were trying not to be "controversial" - and ended up calling it a "FEEDING challenge" - "Barries Mom join in a Feeding Challenge" -- Uhm, it's a BREASTfeeding challenge. And rather than saying we will "latch on" at 11 - he said "launch at" 11. Silly little things, but they did it for a reason. =\
Friday, September 28, 2007
a slew of different topics.
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1:39 PM
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Hey doll! Sorry I haven't been around much. Life has been crazy. Just wanted to let you know I'm still reading :)
we keep pedialyte around just in case sawyer has those kinds of illnesses. gatorade is great stuff too; i drink it after a really hard kickboxing class to rejuvinate.
my goodness, how have you been surviving with scoliosis all this time?!
check george's benefits. we get some coverage for chiropractor. if not, you can get some from OHIP.
that's odd. they could have said nursing at least...but they probably didn't want to insult any FFing moms...? or they're just weird and have inhibition issues.
I have scoliosis too. My chiropractor has helped it a lot though...
One of my hips is noticibly higher when I look in the mirror. Hope your chiro can help yah out
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